Friday, March 20, 2009

Today, This Weekend, and Next Week

Here is a quick summary before I head off to a retreat:

First, all through this week and today, I've had some added responsibilities at the International Christian School of Budapest. The chance to speak in the high school chapel on Wednesday was quite an honor, and I enjoyed sharing about the faithfulness of God (Psalm 30). This morning, I had the second teaching evaluation by my administrator; it went quite well. I'm so glad that everyone here is interested in the betterment of the students, the teachers, and the school. Feedback is helpful and encouraging!

This weekend, my English Home Fellowship group from Golgota is headed to Mátrakeresztes, a village in the Hungarian mountains, for a retreat. We'll be hiking, resting, eating, and studying God's Word together. I'm really looking forward to it! Photos from the weekend are rather unlikely, though, because my camera is currently missing...

Finally, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mark the culmination of two years of reaccreditation work here at ICSB! The team from the Association of Christian Schools International and Middle States will be here for a site visit. They will observe our school, evaluate our self-report, and have important interviews with families and staff. We are all very excited and a bit exhausted.

Through all the daily life and special events, God is truly faithful as a loving Creator, Savior, Lord, and Friend. I can't help but give thanks!

You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever. Psalm 30:11-12

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